Return and Refund Policy

Returns and Exchanges
We are sure you will be satisfied with your purchase from us. But if the item doesn't meet your expectations, you can return any eligible item within 30 days for a refund or exchange.

cancel order
If you want to cancel your order, please contact us via WhatsApp or email within 24 hours of placing the order. We start processing orders as soon as they are placed, so if your order has already been processed or shipped, it cannot be canceled.

Returns and Exchanges
All returns must contain unused items in their original packaging. If the return is not due to product damage, shipping issues, or a product defect, you are responsible for the return shipping costs. Please contact us within 14 days of receiving your order.

If the return is caused by the consumer, the consumer shall bear the shipping cost. The specific cost depends on the courier company you choose.

If due to our reasons, the goods received are damaged or incorrect, the consumer is not responsible for the shipping costs.

Please note that we do not accept any returns if the item you received is in good condition.

Additionally, we cannot return or exchange orders you have placed in error, such as the wrong size, color or product. As all of our floral products are custom made, we cannot resell them. Thank you for your understanding.

Here are the options:
  • For returns, please contact us for a return address.
  • You do not have to return the item, but you will be charged 50% for the replacement plus shipping.
  • If you want to exchange an item, you can only do so with the original product and at the same price.
If the product is out of stock after the order is received, we will issue a refund. You will receive your refund within 3 business days.

If you need any assistance with returns and exchanges, you can contact us via WhatsApp, or email We will be more than happy to help you!